Pete Townshend - Driftin` Blues

I'm driftin' and driftin', like a ship out on the sea
I'm driftin' and driftin', like a ship out on the sea
Nobody seems to want me
Except the wide and open sea
My ship ain't got no captain, my ship ain't got no crew
My ship ain't got no captain, my ship ain't got no crew
Doin' that tide dare blow me and my past and future too
I look around for a savior to search me from the hungry sea
I look around for a savior to search me from the hungry sea
Maybe he's down at the bottom, waiting patiently for me
I'm driftin' and driftin', like a ship out on the sea
I'm driftin' and driftin', like a ship out on the sea
Nobody seems to want me
Except the wide and open sea
My ship ain't got no captain, my ship ain't got no crew
My ship ain't got no captain, my ship ain't got no crew
Doin' that tide dare blow me and my past and future too
I look around for a savior to search me from the hungry sea
I look around for a savior to search me from the hungry sea
Maybe he's down at the bottom, waiting patiently for me
Driftin' Blues Pete Townshend Scoop

Couldn't find this version on youtube,so thought i'd post it for anyone interested....Hope someone enjoys.

Pete Townshend The Who - 1996 Driftin Blues live

Pete Townshend The Who - 1996 Driftin Blues live Pete Townshend Jon Carin.

Pete Townshend - Fillmore West 4-30-96 (Part 13)

"Slit Skirts," "Eyesight To The Blind," "Driftin' Blues"

Them's The Blues!

My arrangement of the classic Driftin' Blues by Charles Brown. The guitar style is Lightnin' Hopkins, and some of the lyrics come from the superb Pete ...

Driftin' Blues

On Royal St. in New Orleans, recorded February 10th.

Pete Townshend