Django Reinhardt - Night and Day

Django Reinhardt -- Night and Day

Paris, March 10, 1953. Maurice Vander - piano Django Reinhardt - guitar Pierre Michelot - double bass Jean-Louis Viale - drums Un piccolo omaggio ad un artista incomparabile...

Django Reinhardt - Night And Day - London, 31.01.1938

Django Reinhardt et le Quintette du Hot Club de France, avec Stéphane Grappelli - Stéphane Grappelli (vln); Djanqo Reinhardt (g solo); Roger Chaput, Eugène Vées (g); Louis Vola (b)...

Django Reinhardt - Night And Day

Night And Day by Django Reinhardt from the album 100 Essential Classics Released 2011-04-15 on AudioSonic Music Download on iTunes:

Django Reinhardt - Night And Day - Paris, 10.03. 1953

Django Reinhardt et ses Rythmes Django Reinhardt (g solo); Maurice Vander (p); Pierre Michelot (b); Jean-Louis Viale (dm) 1953 March 10 - Blue Star, Paris.

Django Reinhardt - Night and Day

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Django Reinhardt