Art Pepper - Autumn Leaves (feat. Al Cohn)

Autumn Leaves Zoot Sims 1985

Autum Leaves - Zoot Sims 1985 In 1985 somewhere in Sweden, Zoot played a session together with two top jazz musicians. In a comfortable living room he ...

Al Cohn and Friends - Zoot Sims Memorial Concert, 1986

Al Cohn and Friends at the 1986 Zoot Sims Memorial Concert featuring saxophonists Al Cohn, Turk Mauro, Lew Tabackin, Al Klink, Bob Wilbur, pianist Benny ...

Al Cohn featuring Zoot Sims - Softly As in the Morning Sunrise

Al Cohn (ts), Zoot Sims (ts,ss), Horace Parlan (p), Hugo Rasmussen (b), Alex Riel (ds) Album:" Al Cohn featuring Zoot Sims / My Funny Valentine ...

Art Pepper