Velvet Acid Christ - Sex Disease (2014 Mix)

Velvet Acid Christ - Sex Disease

Sex Disease, great track from Church of Acid. when sex is a pretext to a disease, we'll crawl inside, my head was broken off, blistering on this separate faith, now ...

Velvet Acid Christ - Sex Disease (Live)

Velvet Acid Christ live at Elysium in Austin TX, Feb 15 2013. Bryan Erickson is a funny guy and can still put on a hell of a show.

Velvet Acid Christ - Discolored Eyes Original Video + Lyrics

Watch in HIGH QUALITY - there is a lot of flashing lights in that video and it makes that the quality is not good if you are watching it in "normal" on youtube. Velvet ...

INDUSTRIAL CLUB MIX FALL 2015 From DJ Dark Modulator

The Industrial Club Mix for the 2015 Fall from DJ Dark Modulator. This mix has music that we can mostly listen to an industrial/goth club, EBM/INDUSTRIAL, ...

Velvet Acid Christ