Al Jarreau - Closer To Your Love

AL JARREAU ► Closer to Your Love【HQ】

CD: Breakin' Away 1981 Most of Breakin' Away has Jarreau in great spirits and giving one great performance after another, like the powerful and melody-rich ...

Al Jarreau – Closer To Your Love

From the album Breakin' Away © 1981

Al Jarreau - Closer To Your Love - Oberheim String Arrangement

written by Jay Graydon / Tom Canning / Al Jarreau in 1981. i was messing around a little bit and was trying to get the right sound out of my nord stage.

Closer to your love by Al Jarreau personal bassline by Rino Conteduca with Ken Smith BSR5 BT bass

Closer to your love by Al Jarreau personal bassline by Rino Conteduca with Ken Smith BSR5 BT bass.

Al Jarreau