Great Messiah - Great Messiah 148장 예수님은 우리들을

148 내 진정 사모하는

Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved and thy house. (Acts 16:31) 주 예수 그리스도를 믿으라 그리하면 너와 네 집안이 구원을 받으리라.

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The Prophetic History of Secular Israeli Leaders | Asher Intrater | Revive Israel

Asher Intrater shares the first three of ten prophecies that relate to modern Israel, the church, the end times and the millennial kingdom.

지구촌교회 진재혁 목사 - 맛있는 말씀, 축복의 레시피(3)

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Great Messiah