Ryan M. Brewer - Innocence and Ignorance

Ryan M. Brewer - Innocence and Ignorance (Live)

"This tune was pretty directly inspired by a friend who lost, whom he thought to be, the love of his life. In the aftermath, he met someone who was the antithesis of ...

ryan m. brewer - music monday volume 18

http://www.ryanmbrewer.com another song off the album. this one is about trading in a relationship for a new one. like trading in a car for a new one...there are ...

Ryan M. Brewer - Intro / Allegory (Live)

"This song seemed a perfect introduction to the world in which these songs were to exist. It follows a relatively young couple...struggling to make things work in a ...

Ryan M. Brewer - Where Your Heart is Lain (Live)

"The lyrics here strayed into autobiographical territory a little further than most of the other tracks. They deal with a feeling that you can't follow your dreams to the ...

Ryan M. Brewer - Sing You to Sleep (Live)

"There was a period of time when my maternal grandmother faced a string of several hospital stays in a row. Each one culminated with the doctor telling us to ...

Ryan M. Brewer