Smokey & the Mirror - Mamah Borthwich and Mr. Wright

Smokey & The Mirror - Mamah Borthwick and Mr. Wright

Smokey & The Mirror - Mamah Borthwick and Mr. Wright from the album Rag and Bone

Mamah Bouton Borthwick

Ellie presents Mamah Bouton Borthwick In order to book Ellie, or for more information, please visit

Cherokee Red by Smokey and the Mirror

Producer & Director Murray Williams @MurDog Sound Jason Miller @Red_Barn_Studio Cameras Michael Drager @michaeldrager Bryan Fittin @i_b_fittin ...

Goose Creek Music Presents "Goodnight Lorena" by Smokey and the Mirror

Smokey and the Mirror perform "Goodnight Lorena" at McGonigel's Mucky Duck on November 14, 2014. From the Three Nights Live album, available at ...

Smokey & the Mirror