Take 6 - Over The Hill Is Home Intro

Over the hill is home, just down the road is shelter
When you don't feel like trying, keep climbing
Because over the hill is home

There maybe someone here who's going through something
The difficult time that needs to hear this message
This song is for you

Just remember that the darkest hour of the night
Is often before the breaking of dawn, so hold on
And may this song encourage you

Over the hill is home, just down the road is shelter
When you don't feel like trying, keep climbing
Because over the hill is home

There maybe someone here who's going through something
The difficult time that needs to hear this message
This song is for you

Just remember that the darkest hour of the night
Is often before the breaking of dawn, so hold on
And may this song encourage you

Take 6 LIVE - Over The Hill Is Home

Thanks to Altoidboy. Take6.com With a staggering eighteen Grammy-Award nominations, Take 6 is the most nominated Gospel, Jazz, Pop or R&B artists in ...

Take 6 - Over The Hill is Home

"Over The Hill Is Home" by Take 6 from their 2000 release Tonight: Live. This song has been a blessing to me for years, and I hope it will encourage someone ...

Over the Hill is Home (Take 6) - Legendado (pt_BR)

Letra a Música: Cedric Dent e Alvin Chea Tradução: Ederson Peka http://musicaetraducao.com/2009/over-the-hill-is-home/

Over The Hill Is Home - Take 6 (2/2) (Piano Cover)

아 짧은 손가락의 압박 ^_^ my short fingers...haha enjoy~~!

Take 6