Sparks - Moon Over Kentucky

Sparks - Moon Over Kentucky

Taken from the classic 1972 LP "A Woofer In Tweeters Clothing". Enjoy.

Sparks - Here comes Bob / Moon over Kentucky

Moon over Kentucky was one of THE best performances of the 21 x 21 concerts , no question !!

Morrissey - Moon Over Kentucky (Sparks)

Moz Singin' A Sparks Cover 2009.

Morrissey, 'Moon Over Kentucky' - 02 Academy Brixton 21/7/09

Morrissey treats us all to a Sparks song called 'Moon Over Kentucky' on the 21/7/09 at the 02 Academy Brixton, Morrissey's vocal range on this song for me was ...

PIANO SIMS - Moon Over Kentucky

A full-arrangement piano simulation of Moon Over Kentucky, by Sparks.
