June Carter Cash - (Poetry & Comedy)

June Carter - (Poetry & Comedy) #07

Live Recordings From The Louisiana Hayride. by June Carter Cash.

June Carter - (Comedy & Poetry) - John Henry #12

Live Recordings From The Louisiana Hayride. by June Carter Cash.

June Carter "Tennessee Mambo"

June does a little bit of comedy with Jack Anglin (of the Johnny & Jack duo), she recites one of her famous poems then sings "Tennessee Mambo"

june carter cash and johnny cash 1977 x-mas show

june and johnny little funny talk about x-mas and singing "darlin companion" on the x-mas show 1977!

june carter cash "temptation"' and "thirty days"

june carter cash on "the johnny cash show"special-comedy! sings "temptation" and "Thirty days"

June Carter Cash