Michael Allen Harrison - Be With Me

awakening by michael allen harrison verion 2.

Awakening By Michael Allen Harrison from The Lawrence Gallery. this is a Alternative 2nd version of the song. not much different but Amazing none the less.

Rapture: Michael Allen Harrison

I do not own the copyright to the song, and someone else made a video for the song but this one has pictures. They also support Michael Allen Harrison, as well ...

Will You Take Me There ~ Michael Allen Harrison

My son, Ethan, at his recital June 14, 2015. (Mt. Hood Concerto: No. 2 - Will You Take Me There ~ Michael Allen Harrison)

Somewhere Over The Rainbow / Michael Allen Harrison Piano Solo

Monday Morning Video 11/24/14 - Somewhere Over The Rainbow, My 5yr old daughter Esther sat next to me for this one . At the beginning you'll hear her chat a ...

Michael Allen Harrison