The O`Jays - Chauvinistic

THE O'JAYS - chauvinistic - 2004

THE O'JAYS - chauvinistic - 2004.

MC - The O'Jays - Chauvanistic

Released in 2004.

Chauvinistic Line Dance

Vegas Jam 8 Sun. Nite, Ed Griffith of Verlosity leading "Chauvinistic" line dance, music by The O'Jays. Feel free to contact me at:, ...

Kellyanne Conway's full interview with Jake Tapper

Counselor to President Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway speaks to CNN's Jake Tapper about Trump's latest attacks on the media.

Beyonce: Ban word "Bossy" Because it's "Sexist" & "Bullying" While Jay Z Says Bitch in 50% of Songs

Beyonce wants to ban the word "Bossy" because it's "sexist" calling it "bullying" and wants men disciplined if they every say it to describe a woman. It's part of the ...

The O`Jays