Darwin Hobbs - Medley Of Worship, A

Darwin Hobbs - A Medley of Worship

The Luther Vandross of praise and worship...LOL. I thank God for his gift. Video w/lyrics.

Darwin Hobbs, Worship Medley

Your comments should build others and NOT tear them down. The Word says "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for ...

A Worship Medley ( I'll Trust In You) by Darwin Hobbs.wmv

Let the Lord fill *your* heart with songs and medleys:) He'll *do* this, the closer you *get* to Him, and the more you *love* Him:)♥♥♥♥ Just draw nearer to Him, ...

Darwin Hobbs-Worship Medley (Precious Jesus)

How I lift high my voice with you praise!!!

Darwin Hobbs