God - Midas of Phrygia

Great Myths and Legends: The Golden Age of King Midas

Midas was indisputably the most famous ruler of the Phrygian kingdom in central Turkey, and his Golden Touch made him an especially favorite subject in Greek ...

The Phrygians and Greeks [Lecture]

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcluftdk1tuDU71ZdGNpHTA Dan Attrell (MA) discusses the ideological, cultural and material exchange between the Greeks ...

American McGee's Grimm: King Midas, Pt 1

In this tale we go all the way back to the Greeks of old. We go over the myth of Midas, King of Phrygia and the Golden Touch. How can we make it worse, ...

Phrygian King Midas and his touch - eared donkey -Frig Kralı

Eşşek Kulaklı Kral Midas. Eskişehir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Prof. Dr. Yılmaz Büyükerşen'in, Eskişehir'e, kazandırdığı ve Dünyanın pek çok ülkesinde ...

Midas (Mythology) - Animated Tutorial King Midas

An animated take on the story of King Midas, for whom everything touched would turn to gold.
