Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Gerald Moore - 6 Alte Weisen (2007 - Remaster): Wandl` ich in dem Morgentau

H. Pfitzner: Wandl' ich in dem Morgentau

Angharad Gabriel (soprano) and Wolfgang Gabriel (piano) perform Pfitzner's setting of Keller's poem as part of their recital "Poetische Metamorphosen".

Das Köhlerweib ist trunken

Christopher Tobias Baritone http://www.youtube.com/user/xxmario64xx Das Köhlerweib ist trunken The French revolution of 1848 did not exclude musicians and ...

Das Köhlerweib ist Trunken

A Wolf Lieder song about a Mad Charcoal Woman and the sadness of succumbing to alcohol. The second song from my final recital at Birmingham ...

Das Köhlerweib - Wolf

11/8/13 Mezzo-Soprano Cassie Machamer's Senior Recital at Virginia Commonwealth University, Kathy Hughes, Piano The Charwoman The charwoman is ...

Elisabeth Schwarzkopf, Gerald Moore