Sam Brown - The Sun Has Got His Hat On

The Sun Has Got His Hat On - Sam Brown

The Sun Has Got His Hat On - Sam Brown.

The sun has got his hat on, Ambrose, 1932

Very pleased to have this 78 in my collection and in not bad condition too, Sam Browne's vocal comes across well.

The Sun Has Got His Hat On - Ambrose & His Orchestra

Ambrose & His Orchestra, Sam Brown Vocalist. Recorded 1932 in England.

"The Sun has Got His Hat On" (Ambrose & his Orchestra, 1932)

A cheery British Depression-busting song which was featured in the late '80's revival of "Me and My Gal". One of Ralph Butler & Noel Gay's collaborations, here ...

The sun has got his hat on

There's a racist word in the song but it was written early in the 20th century... BTW it's too hot. And next week it'll be too cold. But I'm British so I have a right to ...

Sam Brown