The Micah Walk Band - Diamond Ring

The Micah Walk Band - Diamond Ring

The Micah Walk Band performs "Diamond Ring"

Episode 11 Micah Walk Makes Beautiful Music

We welcome Micah Walk on our show. We interview Micah and then he plays three of his songs for us. It's a beautiful night in Springfield.

The Micah Walk Band- "Do You Feel It"- LIVE

MWB opened for Need to Breathe at Hoogland Center for the Performing Arts in Springfield, IL. June 28, 2010. This is the premier performance of the song "Do ...

Micah Walk, "Heart of Hearts" Live

"Heart of Hearts" live at SOHO Fest. Download the album version on iTunes!

Micah Walk Band cover Foo Fighters Everlong

The Micah Walk Band playing live at Marley's during their CD release party (Bright Side Fantasy) do a cover of Foo Fighters - Everlong.

The Micah Walk Band