Simon Golob - Hej, Mala Hej

How X-Men Apocalypse Should Have Ended

We are so thankful to all the fans that submitted ideas for this episode - you all are hilarious and it was so hard to narrow it down!! Congratulations to those of you ...

H. V. Telgev Hej, sosed

Otroški PZ podružnične OŠ Hotedršica p.v. Zdravka Novaka na zaključnem letnem koncertu v Logatcu, 2. junija 2012.

Paul Zak: Trust, morality - and oxytocin Where does morality come from -- physically, in the brain? In this talk neuroeconomist Paul Zak shows why he believes oxytocin (he calls it ...

Naš maček Beno

Beno in njegove dogodivščine:)

Kontrabant - To pesem pokazi svoji mami

V petem Kontrabantovem albumu se Dobri geni prepletajo v vsem svojem žlahtnem rodovniku. S pisanostjo izbora pesmi in "žmohtnostjo" interpretacije ...

Simon Golob