Rachel Portman - Buttons

War of The Buttons (Front titles) soundtrack

the soundtrack you will hear at the beginning of the legendary film War of The Buttons......MORE WAR OF THE BUTTON SOUNDTRACKS TO COME!!

War of The Buttons (Chasing the Fox) soundtrack

the soundtrack Chasing the Fox....you will hear it in the film War of The Buttons...........MORE WAR OF THE BUTTON SOUNDTRACKS TO COME!

We Had Today by Rachel Portman & Arrival Of The Birds by The Cinematic Orchestra

Two tracks: Rachel Portman "We Had Today" and The Cinematic Orchestra (Jason Swinscoe) "Arrival Of The Birds" are just two of my favorite composers.

The Beach/Marvin's Room by Rachel Portman

Music Composed, Co-Orchestrated, and Co-Produced by: Rachel Portman (The Cider House Rules, Emma, Chocolat, Oliver Twist, Nicholas Nickleby, One Day) ...

Rachel Portman