Maria Kim (김마리아) - Nothing Stops The Train

I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
I can only guess what really bothers you
It’s gotta be clear
No need to tell whatever the reason why
Just tell me what you’re really
thinking in your mind
That’s all
Jazz Vocalist/Pianist Maria Kim (재즈 보컬리스트/피아니스트 김마리아 1집) - Those Sentimental Things

Jazz Vocalist/Pianist Maria Kim's first album 재즈보컬리스트/피아니스트 김마리아 1집 "Those Sentimental Things" '과감하며 모험적인 한국의 파트리샤 바버 같은.

Maria Kim (김마리아)