Hollywood Studio Sound Effects - Cartoon Sound Effects - Set#14

What is Foley Sound by Sound Ideas

http://www.sound-ideas.com/sfxmenu-foley.html Foley is the process of creating sound effects live in a studio to match a pre-recorded piece of video. A variety of ...

Studio Tour, Universal Studios Hollywood

Experience the magic of Hollywood backstage on the Studio Tour at Universal Studios Hollywood. You might see Hollywood legends, like Marilyn Monroe (0:32) ...

The History of Sound at the Movies

The inclusion of sound at the movies was one of the most dramatic changes in all of film history. Dive into the early experiments of Edison trying to incorporate ...

Star Wars Visual Effects, from AT-ATs to Tauntauns

Learn the secrets behind the Star Wars saga's many innovative visual effects, from the Death Star's detailed interiors to the towering AT-AT walkers. This vintage ...

Behind the Magic: The Visual Effects of "The Avengers"

We are proud to present this video which showcases some of ILM's Oscar nominated effects work for the 2012 hit film, "Marvel's The Avengers". This reel ...

Hollywood Studio Sound Effects