Sidsel Storm - Emily

【Sidsel Storm】Swedish Lullaby (限定生産LP) 北欧の美JAZZは大名盤確定!!

Sidsel Storm(シゼル・ストーム) 「SWEDISH LULLABY (スウェディッシュ・ララバイ)」が届きました。 限定生産のAnalog盤です。 う〜ん、やっぱVinyl最高!!...

Emily Wiklund's Suprise Baby Shower

After a long day of events, activities, etc. We had a suprise baby shower for email at our house with a lot of our friends!

FULL AUDIOBOOK .. Lisbeth Longfrock or Sidsel Sidsærkin .. Hans AANRUD

Lisbeth Longfrock - (Sidsel Sidsærkin in its original Norwegian) was seen by the author as a book written for adults, telling the story of a young girl growing up in ...

Entertaining the broken Ponio... X

Some news for you all... Ponio is broken.... : ( Last week flash went lame... Vets did a number of nerve blocks and took x rays before confirming that his pastern ...


丹麥音樂獎得主--跨界創作女聲席絲史東好評再出輯*日本排行榜銷售佳績,JAZZ PERSPECTIVE封面首位話題歌姬*2首爵士經典醉心詮釋+8首跨界原創曲,再...

Sidsel Storm