Sonny Rollins Quartet - Tenor Madness

Sonny Rollins Quartet with John Coltrane - Tenor Madness

Sonny Rollins Quartet with John Coltrane - Tenor Madness (1956) Personnel: Sonny Rollins, John Coltrane (tenor sax), Red Garland (piano), Paul Chambers (bass), Philly Joe Jones (drums) from...

Sonny "Tenor Madness" Rollins Doin' It Live!

Sonny Rollins, tenor saxophone, Clifton Anderson, trombone, Stephen Scott, piano; John Lee, bass, Bruce Cox, drums, Victor See Yeng, percussion. Sonny Rollins will go down in history as not...

Tenor Madness/Sonny Rollins' Solo. Transcribed by Carles Margarit

Tenor Madness/Sonny Rollins' Solo. Transcribed by Carles Margarit CD: Tenor Madness, Sonny Rollins Quartet (1956) You can purchase and download the transcription in Concert Key/Bb/Eb/Bass Clef:...

Sonny Rollins John Coltrane Tenor Madness

E' un duetto della durata di 12 minuti tra i sax di Rollins e Coltrane, e la melodia blueseggiante del pezzo è diventata, con il passare degli anni, una di quelle meglio conosciute del repertorio...

Sonny Rollins Quartet