YK - Outro

Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
without hopes and dreams
Standing on the edges all by itself
It's my sorrow
Electric Flower
without hopes and dreams
Standing on the edges all by itself
It's my sorrow
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
Electric Flower
without hopes and dreams
Standing on the edges all by itself
It's my sorrow
Electric Flower
without hopes and dreams
Standing on the edges all by itself
It's my sorrow
Electric Flower
OTE YK - Outro (Official Video) Shot By @a309vision


Outro of Beauty and the Beast UK VHS (1993)

Beauty and the Beast End Credits The New Adventures of The Little Mermaid A Muppet Moment - 'Babysitting' clip.

Nines - Outro #Exclusive

I don't own this song all credit goes to the artist .