Joseph Campbell - Madonna and Witch

wowm - Joseph Campbell - Supernatural Aid

Discussion on Supernatural Aid, with lots of examples! See schedule of events here: Join the group and ...

The World of the Goddess - Marija Gimbutas

An absorbing view of the culture, religious beliefs, symbolism and mythology of the prehistoric, pre-patriarchal cultures of Old Europe, who revered and ...

Marion Woodman - Dreaming of the Black Madonna

This audio clip is excerpted from the superb film "Marion Woodman: Dancing in the Flames", which is about Marion Woodman's life and work. Buy the DVD here: ...

Fiery Darts of Satan! NWO, UFO's, Witchcraft!!!! Intercessory Prayer!! ...

Eva Green Morgana la Fay

My video of Eva Green in Camelot with the song Morgana of the Trobar De Morte.

Joseph Campbell