Darren - Change

How You Can Change the Future | Darren Garcia | TEDxYouth@SanAntonio

Darren was introduced to the TEDxYouth@SanAntonio audience with these words: "'If no one is laughing at your dreams, they're probably not big enough.

Darren: Sermon on change

Are you looking for a sermon on change? Frustrated about where you are at and where you are going? Wondering if God is listening? Hear Darren LaCroix give ...

Darren and Charlotte Alexander - Nothing will ever change

Written & Produced - DARREN ALEXANDER Guitar/Drum/Bass - DARREN ALEXANDER Vocals - CHARLOTTE ALEXANDER Video Footage - SHAWN MUYS ...

Darren - MA in Education, Leadership and Change

Darren explains how his educational journey at AULA has literally changed his life. www.antiochla.edu Produced by WalkingPictures.
