George Benson - Ain`t That Peculiar

George Benson - Ain't That Peculiar

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George Benson - It's Uptown - 03 - Ain't that peculiar

George Benson - guitar, vocals... Ronnie Cuber - baritone saxophone.... Bennie Green - trombone.... Lonnie Smith - organ.... Jimmy Lovelace - drums.

George Benson's "Ain't That Peculiar" Guitar Solo Tab by Hal Rodriguez

Check out my guitar transcriptions at and email me at [email protected] for transcription orders and Skype lessons.

John-paul Gard KeyB Organ with Alex Hutchings 2010 Tribute to George Benson, Ain't That Peculiar

John-paul Gard playing the KeyB Duo Organ with Alex Hutchings Guitar and Gethin Jones Drums This Project is Called The Cookbook, it was formed in the ...

George Benson - Aint That Peculiar

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George Benson