글렌 - The Rose part2 (Ending)

Blues Piano - Riff demonstration - Glen Rose

https://www.glenrosejazz.com/ Blues Piano - Riff demonstration Glen Rose gives a lesson showing nine different blues licks to use over the 12-bar blues with the walking boogie bass line taught...

Resident Evil The Final Chapter: Dr Isaacs' 'I propose that we end the world' scene

Hellwood externalising the plans of the 'movers and the shakers'. Em português [in Portuguese]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqqUFvEjrG8.

Piano Lesson Two Killer Blues Licks Shawn Uses At The End Of A Song!

Piano Lessons Gone NUTS! is a series in which Shawn Cheek, a professional musician and teacher of over 23 years experience answers questions from his online students around the world. Enjoy!

The End of the Party. Part 2

1992 "Short & Curlies" documentary detailing the end of the Communist Party of Great Britain through the eyes of two elderly Scottish party members Rose Kerrigan and Bob Horne. Sorry about...

Walking Dead Negan Kills Glen and Abraham Scene - Glen And Abraham Deaths Scene

Walking dead season 7 Ep 1 Negan kills Glen and Abraham ( r.i.p) In the comic of the walking dead Negan never killed Abraham at this point he kills him near the end of season 7 of the comics!...
