William Edge - Toward Distant Stars

Wal Thornhill: Stars in an Electric Universe |” NPA/EU 2011

In this John Chappell Memorial Lecture, Wal Thornhill sets forth a unified paradigm where plasma is the dominant, universal medium and the electric force rules ...

Alex Filippenko: "Dark Energy and the Runaway Universe" | Talks at Google

We expected the attractive force of gravity to slow down the rate at which the Universe is expanding. But observations of very distant exploding stars ...

Star Citizen: Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy - Bremen System

Senior writer Will Weissbaum tours the Bremen System in this week's Loremaker's Guide to the Galaxy. Get to know the system's astronomy, and hear about ...

Galaxies, part 1: Crash Course Astronomy #38

The Milky Way is our neighborhood in the universe. It's a galaxy and there are many others out there. Galaxies contain gas, dust, and billions of stars or more.

William Edge