Sound Factory - 기찻길 옆

Tim Brown urges designers to think big Tim Brown says the design profession is preoccupied with creating nifty, fashionable objects -- even as pressing questions like clean water access show it has a bigger role...

CCM 피아노 반주곡집 vol.2] 책 구입 안내

책 구입: CCM 피아노 반주곡집 vol.2 를 소개합니다~ 빠른 곡 반주가 어려우신 분들께 도움이 될 것 같아요. ^^...

Frank Gehry: From 1990, defending a vision for architecture Speaking at TED in 1990, the not-yet-legendary architect Frank Gehry takes a whistlestop tour of his work to date, from his own Venice Beach house to the under-construction...

Sound Factory