10 Beatles Songs Explain Donald Trump Diran Lyons Political Remix This remix juxtaposes Trump statements with 10 Beatles songs. The repurposing of these ...
The Beatles 1 Video Collection is Out Now. Get your copy here: http://thebeatles1.lnk.to/DeluxeBluRay “When you talk about destruction, don't you know that you ...
http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4957125/ John Lennon was born October 9th 1940, during a German Air Raid in Oxford Street Maternity hospital, Liverpool.
John Lennon wrote this song. As stated in the DVD Composing the Beatles Songbook, John was throwing together nonsense lyrics to mess with the heads of ...
A story about John Lennon, his Aunt Mimi, and the house they lived in on Mendips. From the Strawberry Walrus album "Teddy Boy." Album and songs available ...