Liz Story - Foxglove

liz story - foxglove

from 17 Seconds To Anywhere sheet music can be found at

Liz Story - Unaccountable Effect (Full Album)

1985. PLEASE NOTE: This is transferred from an old vinyl copy, please excuse everything. No major skips, but the sound quality is quite crackly.

Liz Story - Myth America

Liz Story live on VH-1 in the early 80's when there was a segment called New Visions. Liz was the guest host. Enjoy!

Solid Colors - Liz Story

Solid Colors is the title track to Liz Story's first album "Solid Colors." My version is a combination of her studio recording and a live performance recorded back in ...

Wedding Rain - Liz Story

This piece is the first track off of Liz Story's very popular "Solid Colors." I played this at a wedding last year as part of the prelude. When I made my decision to ...

Liz Story