Rakim - Intro

interviewer possibly Harry Allen]
What are you giving them back?

Umm I think what I'm givin them back man is umm...
what they been waitin for yaknahmean? Umm...

interviewer possibly Harry Allen]
What are you giving them back?

Umm I think what I'm givin them back man is umm...
what they been waitin for yaknahmean? Umm...

RAKIM - INTRO The Master album

1999 RAKIM THE MASTER ALBUM 1 "Intro" PRODUCER Rakim 1:22.

Intro La Realeza Rakim y Ken y con letra

las mejores canciones de rakim y ken-y con letra.

Tupac's favorite song DOPER THAN RAKIM INTRO

Make sure you Support TAT by Subscribing and checking out the full version here of this interview here http://youtu.be/vr5wBI1iHUE.
