Dave Evans - Take Me Down Again

Dave Evans - Take Me Down Again

Live performance of Take Me Down Again from Dave's Sinner album.

DAVE EVANS - TAKE ME DOWN AGAIN !! LIVE !! at the AIGF Concert, Adelaide.

Dave performing Take Me Down Again from his Sinner album LIVE with The Party Boys at the Adelaide International Guitar Festival 7th December 08. Party Boys are - Kevin Borich - guitar (Kevin...


Video produced by Rod Wescombe for AMPUTATION PRODUCTIONS. Taken from the acclaimed "SINNER" cd by DAVE EVANS. Available on i-tunes.

Dave Evans - Take Me Down Again (Allies Hotel)

Dave Evans original singer of ACDC performs his song Take Me Down Again from his album "Sinner". Thats me on lead guitar. :) I apologize for the crappy recording. Its a cameraphone.

Dave Evans - Take Me Down Again

Dealing WIth Destiny - The Movie. Coming soon. www.dealingwithdestiny.com.

Dave Evans