Monique - Be Strong

Not Strong Enough - Monique Jeremiah - Original Song

Monique Jeremiah is a self taught singer and songwriter from Australia. DG. With a romantic heart she wrote Not Strong Enough about the sacrifices one makes ...

Monique is in a hectic thermal, there

Monique in strong spring thermals at Pampoenfontein launch with Pete Wallenda, Wallendair School of Paragliding at

Strong Red Lips Accent Silver Hair in A Classic 40's Makeover

Strong Red Lips Accent Silver Hair in A Classic 40's Makeover. We are all creatures of habit (good and bad!) and sometimes we get too comfortable with our ...

mudra for healthy and strong teeth

In Today's "2 minute video tip by Monique", I'd love to share with you another powerful mudra (hand and finger position) to help you balance the energy of your ...
