Alexandre Desplat - The Very Best Plan

Alexandre Desplat - The Very Best Plan (Cover)

My amateur orchestration of Alexandre Desplat's The Very Best Plan from Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (2011) Simply tabbed (digital sheet music made) in ...

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - The Very Best Plan (Piano Arrangement)

My piano arrangement of "The Very Best Plan" from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Alexandre Desplat. Done entirely by ear. Sheet music here: ...

the very best plan

this is 2012 for me. another random compilation of videos to score music I find entrancing.

Music of Alexandre Desplat - Compilation 01

Music of Alexandre Desplat - Compilation 01 01. The Painted Veil - The Painted Veil 02. Falling Rain - Lust, Caution 03. Death Of a Rat - Fantastic Mr. Fox 04.

Very Best Plan

Film score from "Extremely Close & Incredibly Close", by Alexandre Desplat.

Alexandre Desplat