Randy Edelman - Sound Advice

While You Were Sleeping - 13, Sound Advice

The soundtrack to the 1995 film that helped establish Sandra Bullock's career in the 1990s. Starring Sandra Bullock, Bill Pullman and Peter Gallagher.

The Space Inbetween - Pursued

With an epic foot chase through back alleys, a young man attempts to shake a pursuer with unknown intentions. Featuring: Brian J. Patterson, Josh Minnie ...

The Last of the Mohicans - Promontory (Main Theme)

Composers: Trevor Jones and Randy Edelman Conductor: Daniel A. Carlin and Randy Edelman Manufacturer: Morgan Creek.

Randy Moss Interviews Tom Brady, "Was Gronk's catch better than mine?"

FOX Sports' Randy Moss sits down with former teammate and Patriots QB Tom Brady to discuss his undying love for football. SUBSCRIBE to get the latest FOX ...

NFL Stars Discuss Rookie Pranks

How bad did NFL stars get pranked in their rookie seasons? Well, sounds like Tampa Bay Buccaneers star QB Jameis Winston had it easy while Patriots wide ...

Randy Edelman