Oz - OZ / Resemblance

-OZ- - Resemblance

Resemblance - -OZ- buy the mini-album 'SIX' to get the song. all credits go to -OZ- support the band. Vocal - Natsuki Guitar - Aki Guitar - Tama Bass - Nao Drums ...

OZ -「 Resemblance LIVE 」【A Fact of Life ~Third Dimension~】

DVD LIVE A Fact of Life ~Third Dimension~

-OZ- Resemblance English lyrics

I haven't been on youtube in years, but it's good to upload a few more videos. I used the mp3 insted of the live audio, sounds better.

Oz Fox & Chaotic Resemblance at Count's Vamp'D cover Rock and Roll

Oz Fox & Chaotic Resemblance perform Rock and Roll By Led Zeppelin at Count's Vamp'D in La Vegas.

Chaotic Resemblance Promo Video - Interview with Oz Fox

A short interview about producing Chaotic Resemblances new album "Get The Hell Out."
