The Perpetrator - Sub For The War

Franz Ruppert Foredrag: War, Violence and Destruction

Opptak fra Dr. Franz Rupperts foredrag i Oslo 7. juli 2016. War, Violence and Destruction: Fighting with enemies or making peace with oneself? The Psychology ...

War Front - Nigerian Nollywood Movie

This captivating movie depicts the act of war as a terrorist syndicate seek to sweep under the rug all evidence of their criminal activities. The war is hot and there ...

Hollywood in The New Cold War - The Perpetual Perpetrator: Contemporary Contexts

Sponsored by the Milano School of International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy (, the Center for New York City Affairs ...

How Balkan war criminals were hunted down and brought to justice

Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic is the latest perpetrator to be convicted of war crimes committed during the 1990s Balkan wars. In "The Butcher's ...

Byron Katie - Who is the perpetrator?

I took the above picture in my garden, however, I do not own the copyright to the recording of Katie doing the work with people. They are from old tapes, CDs and ...

The Perpetrator