Ernie Watts - Find the Way


Luisa1960 has been looking for Abraham's theme from the album Charriots of Fire by Ernie Watts and she couldn't find it. So this is her personal request to me ...

Marc Seales - Highway Blues

Speakin Out, 1999 Origin Records Ernie Watts - Saxophone Marc Seales - Piano Doug Miller - Bass John Bishop - Drums.

Erine Watts-Valdez In The Country

This is an awesome song by the one and only saxman Erine Watts. My mother first turned me on to him when I was in the 10th grade, and I haven't forgotten ...

Byrdlike - George Cables (1980)

By Freddie Hubbard. Cables' Vision 1980. George Cables: piano. Freddie Hubbard: trompeta. Ernie Watts: saxo tenor. Bobby Hutcherson: vibráfono.

Ernie Watts