Highland Reign - The Rowan Tree

Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2016 - Act 1 - Massed Pipes and Drums enter

The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo 2016, 4th August 2016, the dress rehearsal, where photographers and cameramen are allowed free reign of the Castle ...

Wha' Saw the 42nd Bagpipes / Highland Laddie Medley

Marches: 1. Wha' Saw the 42nd March 2. Highland Laddie I seem to remember this being on YouTube, I don't know why it disappeared... Original title: Military ...

Riding Whistler with Josh Carlson, Giant Bikes - Flow Mountain Bike

Josh Carlson shows us how you're meant to ride the trails of Whistler valley, BC. For more, head to www.flowmountainbike.com.

Miami Valley Pipes Drums - St. Patrick's 2017 - Scotland the Brave Set #2

Miami Valley Pipes Drums - St. Patrick's 2017 - Scotland the Brave Set - Pub at the Greene.

Auld Lang Syne - Scotland the Brave - Adelaide Pipe Band & ASO

March 25 2017 Adelaide Festival Theatre production of 'Scotland The Brave' with Louisa in the Adelaide Pipe Band.

Highland Reign