Susana Seivane - Muineira De Alen

Muiñeira de Chantada - Susana Seivane

(GALEGO/ESPAÑOL/ENGLISH) GALEGO A Asociación Recunchos de Ribeira de Piquín organizou, o sábado 9 de agosto de 2008, unha festa-homenaxe ao ...

World Harmony Chorus - 'Muineira de Alen'

Galician tune performed by the Bay Area vocal ensemble. "To sing like me, don't open your mouth so much." At the closing night of the Modesto Unplugged ...

Susana Seivane - Tres muiñeiras

(GALEGO/ESPAÑOL/ENGLISH) GALEGO A Asociación Recunchos de Ribeira de Piquín organizou, o sábado 9 de agosto de 2008, unha festa-homenaxe ao ...

Celtic Houses in Ancares - Gallaecia

Celtic Houses in Ancares, also know as Palhoças, were in use since the prehistoric age to the 90´s of the XX century. Music by "Susana Seivane", track ...

Susana Seivane