Heather Alexander - Come My Lady

Come My Lady

Song: Come My Lady Artist: Heather Alexander Album: Merlin's Descendants (help with lyrics would be appreciated)

Come My Lady by Heather Alexander

This is the first track in Heather Alexander's album, Merlin's Descendants. I do not own this track. This is my first video, so please be kind, and any constructive ...

Imbolc Songs 2015

A bundle of Imbolc-y songs. Lighter days are coming! (she says, looking out at a blizzard....) As ever, I have not created any of the lovely images myself. Song list ...

Healing Chant

HEALING CHANT Music & Lyrics: Heather Alexander Come to me, Lord and Lady Heal this spirit, heal this soul Come to me, Lord and Lady Mind and body shall ...

Demonsbane - Heather Alexander

Demonsbane, based on the Heralds of Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey and sung by Heather Alexander. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it.

Heather Alexander