The Entry - To My Children

"My dad's story": Dream for My Child | MetLife

You can't change your destiny, but you can create your own. MetLife values the dream of every parent to give their children a good education to pursue a better ...

"Children of the Night" - Love Thy Neighborhood Art Show Entry

My good friends from The Compound Collective asked me to be apart of their most recent show titled "Love Thy Neighborhood". The video is titled "Children of ...

My entry to my Children's TV Show Collab

Uploaded to my alt just for people who want to see my entry as aposed to sifting through the entire collab just to watch it. (The collab isn't up as of me uploading ...


This video shows a family celebrating the birthday of their child. They re a good example of what a great family is. And they've prepared a gift for the boy which ...

Video Entry #4 Birthday Video Contest 2017

This is a documentary video which happened last year's surprise birthday party of my son "Ndrei" . We had a simultaneous sharing of love from morning until ...

The Entry