Manie Jackson - Ek begeer (Jou elke keer net meer)

Baby and Child Care: Benjamin Spock Interview

Benjamin McLane Spock (May 2, 1903 -- March 15, 1998) was an American pediatrician whose book Baby and Child Care, published in 1946, is one of the ...

The Rich in America: Power, Control, Wealth and the Elite Upper Class in the United States

The American upper class describes the sociological concept pertaining to the "top layer" of society in the United States. About the book: ...

Wealth and Power in America: Social Class, Income Distribution, Finance and the American Dream

Wealth in the United States is commonly measured in terms of net worth, which is the sum of all assets, including home equity, minus all liabilities. More on the ...

October Surprise: News Events that Influence the Outcome of the U.S. Presidential Election

In American political jargon, an October surprise is a news event with the potential to influence the outcome of an election, particularly one for the U.S. ...

Suspense: The Dead Sleep Lightly / Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble / Fear Paints a Picture

The Three Witches or Weird Sisters are characters in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth (c. 1603--1607). Their origin lies in Holinshed's Chronicles (1587), ...

Manie Jackson