Jeanette Alexander - Storyteller

Urban Storytellers

Poetry and form.

In the Kingdom of Ice

The Grand and Terrible Voyage of the USS Jeannette, as told by Hampton Sides, bestselling author of Ghost Soldiers.

Nicole Wilson & Alexander Offord: Good Old Neon Theatre

Good Old Neon is a theatre and performance company committed to interrogating moral, social, and political paradoxes by integrating avant-garde aesthetics ...

LONG STORY SHORT WITH LESLIE WILCOX: Jeannette Paulson Hereniko | Program

Jeannette Paulson Hereniko has always known the power of storytelling. During a troubled childhood, stories functioned as a source of comfort. In adulthood ...

Jeannie C. Riley - Harper Valley P.T.A. This is a vintage live performance by Jeannie C. Riley of her hit song, "Harper Valley P.T.A.", written by Tom T. Hall.

Jeanette Alexander