Souls Rest - Her City

The city moves like the rhythm of her chest
Inhale exhale
Fingers tap as finger snaps fill the rests
Crackles like static of sharp shocks
Dark drops and lights sparkle from
the sequins on her dress
The beat goes on and on hips moving in time to the song
Cos she never sleeps her arms open wide to those who seek
Refuge inside of her anonymity
In proximity to residents of gutter and stars
It’s evident she sees the precedence of the heart
Above the whine of cars
Her breath hangs soft like the smog
over streets and boulevards
But in the fog she stands statuesque
Despite the grime that covers her from leg to neck
She shines in the midst of the madness
As tears of rain kiss cheeks I look on in gladness
Her eyes reflect the sun
Her lips speak words of wisdom
She’s my home from home
The city with a billion children
Upon a hill observe her skyline
When you have the time
From the outside looking in its like she’s prophesying
Speaking to civilians about resilience
Reconstructing wreckages into beautiful buildings
Her skyscrapers look down on us like lost papers
Blowing in the wind drowning in exhaust vapours
It all tapers off at the end of the roads
Cos near the pier is where the big picture unfolds
When we see small its cos we cant see all
Run a round the circumference her sea wall
The scenery serene fallback into her city
It’s grimy and gritty yet shiny and shimmery
The eye of the beholder told her she’s pretty
Well of course she is we’re orphan kids in her orphanage
The stadium of her heart has a retractable ceiling
Look up to the stars to see how she’s feeling
The city moves like the rhythm of her chest
Inhale exhale
Fingers tap as finger snaps fill the rests
Crackles like static of sharp shocks
Dark drops and lights sparkle from
the sequins on her dress
The beat goes on and on hips moving in time to the song
Cos she never sleeps her arms open wide to those who seek
Refuge inside of her anonymity
In proximity to residents of gutter and stars
It’s evident she sees the precedence of the heart
Above the whine of cars
Her breath hangs soft like the smog
over streets and boulevards
But in the fog she stands statuesque
Despite the grime that covers her from leg to neck
She shines in the midst of the madness
As tears of rain kiss cheeks I look on in gladness
Her eyes reflect the sun
Her lips speak words of wisdom
She’s my home from home
The city with a billion children
Upon a hill observe her skyline
When you have the time
From the outside looking in its like she’s prophesying
Speaking to civilians about resilience
Reconstructing wreckages into beautiful buildings
Her skyscrapers look down on us like lost papers
Blowing in the wind drowning in exhaust vapours
It all tapers off at the end of the roads
Cos near the pier is where the big picture unfolds
When we see small its cos we cant see all
Run a round the circumference her sea wall
The scenery serene fallback into her city
It’s grimy and gritty yet shiny and shimmery
The eye of the beholder told her she’s pretty
Well of course she is we’re orphan kids in her orphanage
The stadium of her heart has a retractable ceiling
Look up to the stars to see how she’s feeling
Souls Rest - Her City

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Souls Rest , Her City, Remix (live) performed on a COLD winters night. ( Dec, 2012)

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Souls Rest