Wardell Gray - Dell?s Bells

Wardell Gray - Dell's Bells

Wardell Gray - tenor saxophone Michael "Dodo" Marmarosa - piano George "Red" Callendar - bass Harold "Doc" West - drums Recording session at Sunset ...

Wardell Gray - Dell´s Bells

Wardell Gray - Dell´s Bells.

Wardell Gray - Dell's Bells

The Wardell Gray story drawn by Cabu The full Wardell Gray playlist here: http://bit.ly/Cabu-WardellGray-FullPlaylist Get the Digital version on iTunes: ...

Frank Morgan Septet - The Champ (featuring Wardell Gray)

FRANK MORGAN SEPTET Conte Candoli (tp); Frank Morgan (as); Wardell Gray (ts); Carl Perkins (p), Howard Roberts (g); Leroy Vinnegar (b); Lawrence ...

Wardell Gray