Enrico Caruso - Love Is Mine (Remastered)

Enrico Caruso - Love is Mine

This song by Teschemacher/Gartner was recorded by Caruso on the 27th of December 1911. As usual his gives his heart - and power fully, opera or not.

Enrico Caruso Love is Mine

E'er love was mine, my heart was like a garden, Where bloomed no rose, no lilly pure divine. Where scarce a happy bird down lonely ways was heard, Dark was ...

Love is Mine ~ Enrico Caruso

Update: A huge thanks to ianjacobs1 for identifying this song "Love is Mine", which he says was recorded 27 Dec 1911 and was written by a composer called ...

Enrico Caruso - Parce que (Because) - 1912

Recorded 7th December 1912. Parce que (Because), lyrics by Edward Frederick Lockton (using the alias "Edward Teschemacher"), music composed by Helen ...

Enrico Caruso